OW-VISCap: Open-World Video Instance Segmentation and Captioning

Anwesa Choudhuri
Girish Chowdhary
Alexander G. Schwing
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)



Open-world video instance segmentation is an important video understanding task. Yet most methods either operate in a closed-world setting, require an additional user-input, or use classic region-based proposals to identify never before seen objects. Further, these methods only assign a one-word label to detected objects, and don't generate rich object-centric descriptions. They also often suffer from highly overlapping predictions. To address these issues, we propose Open-World Video Instance Segmentation and Captioning (OW-VISCap), an approach to jointly segment, track, and caption previously seen or unseen objects in a video. For this, we introduce open-world object queries to discover never before seen objects without additional user-input. We generate rich and descriptive object-centric captions for each detected object via a masked attention augmented LLM input. We introduce an inter-query contrastive loss to ensure that the object queries differ from one another. Our approach matches or surpasses state-of-the-art on three tasks: open-world video instance segmentation on the BURST dataset, dense video object captioning on the VidSTG dataset, and closed-world video instance segmentation on the OVIS dataset.

Qualitative Results

Qualitative results on BURST data.

Qualitative results on VidSTG data.

Qualitative results on OVIS data.


This work is supported in party by Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) grant no. 2020-67021-32799/project accession no.1024178 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture: NSF/USDA National AI Institute: AIFARMS. We also thank the Illinois Center for Digital Agriculture for seed funding for this project. Work is also supported in part by NSF under Grants 2008387, 2045586, 2106825, MRI 1725729.

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